THe Thrillhouse Records store and label is sponsoring a festival the same weekend as the
Prank Records anniversary/ ken prank birthday show. They have a full slate of shows and activities for the entire weekend, including a cool hardcore show at Thrillhouse right before the prank show at Annie's :
Thrillfest Day #1
Wednesday Aug 20th @Thrillhouse Records 5pm
The Reaction
Banner Pilot
Robocop 3
Future Adults
Bored and Ashamed
Hey Three Eyes
Thrillfest Day #2
Thursday Aug 21st @ Golden gate Park(at the horseshoe pits, by the entrance of the park) @4pm
No School Friday
and a shit load of other bands
(everyone who wants to play is invited to just show up with guitars and drum symbols and play the show, each bands gets 3 songs. Once everyone has had a chance to play, we'll start over again. Mayhem guaranteed)
Thursday Aug 21st @ Kimo's 9pm
Fucking Buckaroos
Done Bin Had
Fun Blood
Thrillfest Day #3
Friday Aug 22nd @ Thrillhouse 5pm
Toys That Kill
Off with Their Heads
Jehovah's Fitness
Friday Aug 22nd @ Knockout 9pm
Underground Railroad to Candyland
Four Eyes
Banner Pilot
People People
Thrillfest Day #4
Saturday Aug 23rd @ Thrillhouse 5pm
Acts of Sedition
( this is the record release show for the Surrender LP and thrillhouse's #100th show!)
Saturday Aug 23rd @ Knockout 9pm
Dan Padilla
Songs For Moms
$2.00 Out the Door
Thrillfest Day #5
Sunday Aug 24th
Baseball game @ Jackson Park @ 3pm
(everyone is invited to come out and play baseball, no matter how bad/hungover/drunk you are)
Sunday Aug 24th @ Thee Parkside 7pm
Underground Railroad To Candyland
Toys That Kill
Yankee Kamikaze
Blonde Ambition
Whiskey Sunday
Prank is going to completely stock up the Thrillhouse store for the weekend with Prank Releases. Also be sure to stop by 1-2-3-4 go! in Oakland!