
Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Anton From SME and ACURSED wanted me to share what he could remember of the lyrics to "Tunneln I Ljusets Slut". I guess an LP with NO SONG TITLES and NO LYRICS was too much of an enigma... so people have been trying to figure it out. Lyrics have been bouncing around Swedish Message boards and were wrong, so he wanted to set the record straight, Some of this you will need a nearby Swede or at least a babelfish type translation!

"I don't remember any of the titles of the songs though, except one...

Intoxicated pissing blood manufactured reality life´s dull I'll never be
back again
could just as well end this now I won't be missed anyway when it comes down
to it
I'm just a waste of space I'm just a waste of space could just as well end
this now I won't be missed anyway

the wait still unconscious hope to be there soon nothing accomplished here
burden of reality
I don't belong the wait still unconscious these are my last thoughts never
to be reveal burden of reality I don't belong

ligger o stirrar in i min vägg samma föreställning inget nytt
livet gav mig inget så ja ger inget tillbaks dömmer gärna mig själv dränker
min oro i sprit livet gav mig inget

track5 (Destruction/Disorder)
the world in ruins sky is falling destruction disorder death from above sky
is falling destruction disorder

reflection of lost sympathy saturating designed to suffer cold and empty
beyond every wildest dream is this
a blur of thoughts and visions condemn reality roaming areas none should see
hatred awakens as i close my eyes

corroding compassion mind goes blank blind hatred hunt down stupid bastards
your mere existence makes me sick

med röda ögon o ingen moral stöter jag bort dem sista vänner jag har vaknar
i mina egna spyor idag imorgon o i morgon igen
har aldrig vetat var gränsen går försöker få grepp om gårdagen vaknar i mina
egna spyor idag i morgon o i morgon igen

utspelad och bortglömd utskämd och förnedrad viljan att leva tynar sakta
bort ångest attack ser ni inte det är jag ångest attack

kommer aldrig bli mig själv så skåda mitt tragiska liv ett helvetes liv
tillbakadragen ensam o stumm smärta o paranoid ett helvetes liv

mina vingar har brunnit upp för länge sen sprider hat och ondska vänd dig
inte om mina vingar har brunnit upp för länge sen vänd dig inte om
vadar i tårar vänd dig inte om

paralyzed by darkness love has lost its cause haunted by memories unrevealed
feeding on the weakness of every true desire haunted by memories unrevealed
bringer of silence and pain

cut myself to see if I bleed hate myself to see if anyone cares torn apart
by self contempt

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